Connecting Your Own Banners to Paramount

The strategic placement of banners throughout your website will greatly impact the purchasing behavior of your clients.

Please do not hesitate to contact our Vendor Marketing team to discuss potential strategies for Finance Banner Placement.


  1. Log into your website and determine location for banner placement.
    If you need guidance with the suggested placement or installation of these banners, please contact your Paramount Agent or our Vendor Service Team.
  2. Copy lone of code (found below in the “CODE” box) and link it to the custom banner(s) you have created for your website
    Code will automatically link to your custom credit application.
  3. Notify your Paramount Agent when installed.
    We will test your link to ensure everything is working properly.

Will someone else on your team be installing and/or selecting banners for your website? If someone else is doing this install please provide us their contact information. We will forward on your banner selections, codes and installation instructions, then followup to answer any questions and ensure the banners are working properly.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.